Based on the review process, by 5th September 2018, the authors will receive a statement of acceptance of the contribution for presentation and publication with comments and recommendations for modification of the camera-ready paper.
Deadline for submission of the camera-ready version of the paper is 1st October 2018.
Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings with ISBN, which will be sent for registration in the databases Scopus and Web of Science.
The paper must be written in English. The length of the paper including summary should be between 6 and 8 pages.
Before starting your work on the paper, please, read the procedural notes.
Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings with ISBN, which will be sent for registration in the databases Scopus and Web of Science.
Conference fee:
80 EUR for payment in cash by the registration desk or after 25th September 2018 (in this case, you will be asked to present a bank confirmation, or confirmation from the accountant department, of the payment of the participation fee)
60 EUR for payment to 15th September 2018
50 EUR for members of the ČSSI and/or authors of the accepted papers.
20 EUR for absolvents of study program Informatics management on EF TUL (without a printed version of conference proceedings).